Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lisa's Style

I have not been on here for what feels like ages. Due to uni resits ive been working hard.
These images are not here because i am deluded into thinking im talented, but because i have an interview soon and need to brush up on my portfolio. I had so much fun doing these quick images, i thought it would be nice to share.
This particular image is dedicated to Lisa, because it reminds me of her newest outfit.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Fat size 8

It seems amongst quite a few girls I know, weight obsession is becoming a trend. Like an ideal figure does actually exist.
I can't get my head around it. Yes sometimes we may want to tone up a bit, or loose a few pounds, but when i'm told that people actually believe a size 8 is fat, it really makes you wonder, what is actually wrong here?
Is it a mental disorder, attention seeking or the start of an actual eating disorder? Do they know its not fat, but persist it is to make other non size 8 women think that they are really fat? Are they just trying to inflict their insecurities on to others, to satisfy their own insecurities?
If you are one of these people starting an epidemic of anorexia, then please take note:
It's people like you who cause eating disorders.
Women should look like women, not hip less little boys.
To the rest of you:
Don't be a victim of somebody else's issue.

Friday, August 13, 2010
Plastic Fantastic?
Cosmetic surgery has been at the forefront of my mind this year.
Already being a huge trend the Cosmetic surgery industry is estimated to be worth over £536 million. This makes me think, have we all gone barmy?
This staggering figure reflects the culture of our society today. Women are richer and independent. Fifty years ago, women could not afford plastic surgery let alone even consider such an idea. It would have been a case that if you was unhappy with it, you’ll just have to live with it,
Surgery has become a first option for so many people instead of the last. The horror stories, scars and pain are never enough to make surgery the last option. One person does it and looks better. They set the approval that cosmetic surgery is acceptable and safe. This makes it ok for the next person to do it and so inevitably, the trend spreads. This is a classic example of the stickiness factor.
Along with the trickle down theory, celebrities enhance themselves and so their fans aspire to be like them. Celebrities make surgery contagious.
In a society where so many women have become so conscious of their bodies, it really makes me look forward to the era of when we accept ourselves as we are.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Number One
I’ve always wanted to write. Not because I am good at it. I wouldn’t know. I’ve never written anything other than my GCSE Essays. The one-year I spent at LCF, only one essay was required of me. So I am quite out of touch with my English. But through my twenties its something I definitely want to improve. That’s part of the reason why I decided to go to university so late; I’m 24 now and am only starting my second year. The main reason was to improve my English skills. Although I didn’t choose the best course to do that, it gives me lots of opportunities to present myself to an audience, so spoken English in a professional manner is a must. It seems im caught up in today’s slang. I can’t find the words to express myself maturely and intelligently. So you’ll generally hear me say things like “ it’s long” or “Chief” at any wrongdoing.
Acquiring the correct English, not only makes you seem so much more intelligent, it also makes people take you seriously. All the younger generations are speaking slang and failing at school. I don’t want my younger siblings following in this declining society. How can I expect them to make use of our great language if I don’t? I think the shock that prompted me on this topic was seeing my 10 year olds sister’s friend’s, face book status. It was invaded with spelling errors. At the age of 10 I could spell competently. So why cant these kids I ask myself? Its as though they haven’t been to school. So what’s my excuse? No im not that bad, but my English skills are not up to scratch but that’s because I’ve let them down.
It may of taken me till the age of 24 to realise I need to better myself and use my brain, but if I want to set an example, and hope others aspire to be better, ill have to start with number one.